Tuesday, December 10, 2013

A Lady Was Glued To A Toilet Seat and I Could Pretty Much Relate

Dear Holidays, I love you n'all but we need to break up.  

You see...I have been stress eating since I got home from the Hospital.  And if you know anything about health, then you know I am what I eat...and lately that's been a substantial amount of crap.  I realize that takes on a whole new meaning post gallbladder surgery as well...but really...crap is not cute...in food form and in bodily form.  Yup.


"Mega" the Stressed Out Eater.  

p.s.  Eff you gingerbread man!

Did I mention to you that I am post gallbladder surgery?  I'm pretty much post all surgeries at this point, did you see my last post?  Holy 80 year old problemz Batman.  I have cracked jokes like this before, but honestly, I feel I have earned the right at 29 to yell at people from my front door already.  My life came full circle with my Pulmonary Embolisms, but I truly do not think the gravity of my predicament hit me until I was in my primary care physician's office weeks later.  There I was, young, freshly postpartum, wide eyed, terrified, and laughing inside at the conversations I was witnessing amongst the elderly patients.  Blood thinner jokes.  They had JOKES ya'll.  And at 29 (one day I'll lie about my age, so please forget this fact after you read my blog, thanks) I could actually relate and LAUGH at their jokes.  Ohmygawd, what horrible surgery lovin' gene did I wind up with??  My dead ancestors not only have great humors, but they seriously give me way more credit than I deserve for what I am physically able to handle.  I do not, however, back down from the notion that I am a tough broad at this point.  Just ask me.

There is a point here, and it somewhat involves part of ^^ that rant.  You see, after my gallbladder surgery last year...well...lets just get this out of the way...I got to know my bathroom very well.  Since I no longer had a gallbladder to filter the good fats from the bad, everything suddenly got filtered straight through my liver, yay liver!  I am convinced, after rooming with me through college, my liver is made of GOLD.  Pure gold.  *kiss, kiss*  After doing some research, I walked away from the computer with the knowledge that I am guaranteed to lose a couple pounds due to an organ being gone and the quick filtering of fats that the liver would now be doing.  I severely underestimated how much of a bad ass my liver actually was.  So long story short, I started eating low fat.  This is the ideal way to eat post gallbladder surgery, and really; in my opinion, for everyone.  For almost a year I made recipes from skinnytaste and started walking.  Before I knew it, I was walking 5 miles, eating less than 10-12 grams of fat per meal, and had lost 23lbs.  I felt AMAZING.  For the first time in my entire life, I felt amazing.  Which is saying something because I played soccer for 15+ years.  I have never felt better than I did while eating low fat.  After all of my knee surgeries I was convinced that I would never run again, but thanks to my new eating habits and weight loss, I was running!  I couldn't believe it.  It was amazing to feel healthy and confident in my own skin.  So what happened next you ask?  What else would happen with a renewed sense of confidence and weight loss?  BABIES!  

I managed to eat well (cough) somewhat...and really did not gain much weight during my pregnancy.  But it seems to be slowly seeping back onto my body like a tick on a dog.  I've GOT to do better folks.  I've had enough happen to me to know how truly precious life is and how substantially invaluable good health really is.  It doesn't matter that Christmas is right around the corner, I will not make excuses for eating custard pies and cheesy casseroles.  I have to stop lying to myself.  Writing off one holiday cookie as a treat is a lie.  It's easy to forget that sucker snuck into your daily routine when you are chasing around a toddler and juggling a 2 month old.  Easy.  I refuse to be tempted by sexy sprinkles and luscious layers.  It's time to get real folks.  Life is worth more than 2 tablespoons of Olive Garden salad dressing...which is, by the way...8 whole grams of oily fatness.  8 GRAMS.  In 2 tablespoons.  And we DROWN our salads in that crap.  Drown them.  

In completely unrelated news, everything happens for a reason and I swear on all things Holy I just stopped typing because I got distracted by a news story involving a woman who was glued to a toilet seat in a Home Depot public restroom.  That will SO not be my post gallbladder fate...low fat starts again TOMORROW.  Well played ancestors.  Well.  Played.

Baked chicken breasts, steamed fresh artichokes, and quinoa with onion/squash/zucchini/tomato is on the menu for tomorrow night! 

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